Carapace more or less pyriform and strongly convex laterally; six median tubercles united by a low and narrow carina; protogastric region with two tubercles arranged longitudinally, anterior one of which is in a transverse line with the anteriormost of median six tubercles; a tubercle on hepatic margin and one at posterolateral part of branchial region are the most prominent. Preocular spine sharp, and postocular lobe deeply cupped. Rostral horns stout, and divergent weakly, diminishing in length with age. Chelipeds slender, becoming elongate and enormous in fully developed male; merus with one or two spines near proximal end of upper margin and with a terminal spine; fingers gaped in male, but furnished with serrated teeth throughout their length in female. Ambulatory legs long and cylindrical, diminishing the length from first to fourth.
Previously known from southeast of Massachusetts to the Straits of Florida, 125-600 m deep.