Carapace excluding rostrum is nearly triangular or rather pyriform; dorsal surface smooth, with an oblique furrow from lateral depression behind hepatic prominence, which separates gastric and cardiac regions from branchial region; a spinule at posterolateral part of carapace directed backward. Rostrum horizontal, tapering gradually to an acuminate tip, length varying from one and a half to two and a half times as long as carapace; both sides fringed with spinules. Chelipeds cylindrical and armed with spines on upper border of merus and upper surface of carpus; fingers with sharp serrated teeth and with a tuft of short shaggy hairs at proximal part. Ambulatory legs extremely long; anterior borders of meri, carpi and propodi fringed with spines; dactyli distinctly longer than propodi.
West Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil, and the East Atlantic from Madeira to Angola, 5-200 m deep.
The Pacific analogue, S. debilis (Smith) from the Gulf of California to Chile, is readily distinguished from this species by the presence of a small spine at extremity of the basal antennal article.