Carapace broadly ovate, with inflated branchial regions, frontal region being rather dorsally inclined; dorsal surface divided into regions and covered with minute granules; four spiniform tubercles on median line, viz., two gastric, one cardiac and one intestinal tubercles, are prominent; one protogastric and two branchial tubercles also distinguished; rostrum triangular and tipped by a spine which is nearly as large as preorbital, external orbital and hepatic marginal spines; two minute tubercles at anterior part of branchial margin. Antennal basal segment with two spines, one of which is visible from above. Chelipeds short in both sexes, with inflated palm in large male. Ambulatory legs long and roughened by numerous microscopical appressed spinules; propodi and dactyli each with a double fringe of soft hairs.
West Atlantic from South Carolina to the Gulf of Mexico, and also from Trinidad and Suriname, 27-155 m deep.