本属は大西洋から3種知られるが,本種は鰓弁に黒色色素があることにより他種と区別できる(Marshall and Iwamoto, 1973)。 (荒井)
Distinctive characters:
(Family): Urogenital opening immediately behind anus. Usually two dorsal fins. Caudal fin absent. Scales usually armed with spinules. (Genus): Interdorsal space narrow. Second dorsal fin much higher than anal. No elongate ray on each fin. Chin barbel very short or absent. Scales not armed with spinules. (Species): Pelvic fin rays 8. Orbit diameter about 25〜35% of HL. Gill filaments on 1st arch with melanophores. Chin barbel absent. Head covered with thin membrane.
Three species of this genus are known from the Atlantic, the present species is distinguishable from others by having the melanophores on gill filaments (Marshall and Iwamoto, 1973). (Arai)