(Family):Gill opening wide. Dorsal and anal fins joint to caudal fin. Anterior nostril well above upper lip. Supramaxillary present. (Genus):Lower rays of pectoral fin free (Fig. arrow a) and longer than upper rays. Pelvic fin thoracic (Fig. arrow b) with two filamentous rays. Eye longer than half of snout length. Scales arranged in regular rows. Opercular spine strong and usually straight. (Species):A short strong spine present above eye (Fig. arrow c). Opercular spine straight (Fig. arrow d). Three sharp spines along posterior margin of preopercle (Fig. arrow e). Pectoral fin rays 25〜29, including 7〜8 lower free rays. Oral cavity blackish.
Atlantic and Indian Ocean.
A related Atlantic species D. kanazawai differs in having a long curved opercular spine, four preopercular spines, and 23〜26+5〜8=27〜33 pectoral fin rays (Grey, 1958). (Arai)