General formation of carapace, chelipeds and ambulatory legs very close to that of M. flinti (Benedict), but surprisingly different from it in the shape of rostrum and armature of dorsal surfaces of carapace and abdomen. Supraorbital spine nearly as long as, or rather longer than rostral spine, being directed obliquely outward. Only one pair of spines on protogastric region, and no spine at median line of gastric region; cardiac region with a cluster of some spines; an oblique row of some spines on inner part of branchial region along an oblique furrow between branchial and cardiac regions; a pair of spines on posterior border of carapace, with a considerable distance between them; a small spine at anterior angle, and some spinules on lateral border of carapace. Anterior margin of abdomen armed with equidistant four spines. Chelipeds and ambulatory legs with prominent spines.
Previously known from the West Atlantic from off North Carolina to the Lesser Antilles through the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico, 270-695 m deep.
An ovigerous female was found in the stomach contents of an angler fish caught at a depth of 20 m.