Carapace and abdomen not hard, and variable in color; hepatic, antennal and branchiostegal spines small, but distinct; a ridge from branchiostegal spine to hepatic spine, and a ridge along cervical groove. Rostrum about three-fourths as long as carapace, almost straight or weakly curved upward distally, being armed with 13-15 teeth on its upper margin; first tooth at level of bottom of orbit; lower margin unarmed, with a fringe of long hairs; postrostral carina extended back onto median part of carapace, being armed with an epigastric spine. Cornea markedly large. First three pereiopods chelate. Abdomen rather long; fourth to sixth segments carinated dorsally, the sixth ending in a spine posteriorly.
Previously known from the West Atlantic from South Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean Sea, and Molocco in the East Atlantic, 180-720 m deep.