(Family):Three lowermost pectoral rays free. No barbel on lower jaw. (Genus):No spinous plate on both sides of dorsal fin base. Dorsal spines usually 10. Scales present on branchial membrane. (Species):No rostral exsertion extending beyond upper lip. No spine on 2nd and 3rd infraorbital bones. No preocular, supraocular, and postocular spines. Preopercular spine without supplememtal small spine at its base. Median pectoral rays longer than upper or lower rays. Pectoral fin short, its length 22〜23% of SL. Thorax mostly covered with scales, only triangular area of jugular not covered. Many minute fleshy flaps present on postdorsal region of eye. Orbit diameter 22〜25% of HL. Interorbital width 47〜57% of orbit diameter.
From Georgia, Florida, to Gulf of Mexico, and off Suriname.
This species has the shortest pectoral fin in this genus, and also has no spines on infraorbital bones and above orbital. (Uyeno and Sato)