Bigelow and Schroeder(1957)は本種の腹鰭,尾鰭間の長さは胸鰭,腹鰭間の長さと等しいか,それ以上としているが,本標本では前者の方が短い。鱗の形状,吻部下面が無鱗などの特徴を重視して同定した。 (上野・佐々木)
Distinctive characters:
A well developed spine on each dorsal fin; first dorsal spine about half of second dorsal spine. First dorsal smaller than second dorsal, its base length about 3/4 of second dorsal base. Rear margin of pectoral may or may not reaching to first dorsal spine. Subterminal notch present on upper caudal lobe. Distance from rear end of pelvic base to origin of lower caudal lobe slightly shorter than distance from axil of pectoral to pelvic origin (83 〜 91 %). Distance from pectoral origin to pelvic origin longer than distance from snout tip to pectoral origin. Teeth on jaws dissimilar; upper jaw teeth mostly 5 cusped; lower jaw teeth with single cusp and strongly oblique. Dermal denticles low and irregularly arranged (Fig.). Lower surface of snout smooth without denticles. Black flank marks strong.
Gulf of Mexico (type locality). Off Suriname.
Distance between pelvic and lower caudal lobe equal to, or longer than distance between pectoral and pelvic (Bigelow and Schroeder, 1957). The former is slightly shorter in the present specimens. The identification was made on the basis of the shape of denticles and naked lower surface of snout. (Uyeno and Sasaki)