Carapace narrow and coverd with felt-like pubescence except for two transverse linear ridges on gastric regions and a long sinuate ridge running across branchial region from last anterolateral spine at each side; a strong marginal linear ridge along posterior border of carapace. Of four frontal spines median pair larger and obtuse at apex, while each lateral spine is sharp with a black apex, directed slightly outward and sbequal in length to supraorbital spine. Anterolateral spines are nine in all, and second, fourth, sixth and eighth spines much smaller than others; last tooth not much larger than the preceding larger spines. Anterior margin of merus of cheliped with five spines, posterior distal end of merus with one, inner angle of carpus with one, outer surface of carpus with three, and two on upper margin of palm, one each on upper part of outer surface and basal part of palm. A large terminal spine on posterior margin on natatory leg.
West Atlantic from South Carolina through the West Indies to Brazil, the East Pacific from the Lower California to Peru, and the East Atlantic from the Senegal to Angola, 5-70 m deep.