Carapace typical for Callinectes, being slightly more than twice as broad as long; dorsal surface minutely granulate, especially on median part and on linear ridges; two transverse ridges on gastric region, posterior one being continued with a sinuate ridge from each last anterolateral tooth; metagastric region short and wide. Of four frontal teeth inner pair small and often almost rudimentary, and outer pair triangular with subacute apex. Eight triangular sharp teeth and a strong lateral spine on arched anterolateral border of carapace as usual. Chelipeds not long, with strong carinae; three strong spines and a small one on anterior margin and at distal end of posterior margin of merus, respectively; a distal spine pn outer surface of carpus; a proximal spine of outer sueface and a distal spine on upper border of palm.
West Atlantic from New Jersey through the West Indies and the Caribbean Sea to Saõ Paulo, Brazil, lower tidal zone to 60 m deep.
This species is close to C. danae Smith which is also known from Suriname, but not comprised in the collections at hand.