Carapace almost twice as broad as long; dorsal sueface with fine granules, and with short hairs in female; linear ridge like the congeners. Front with four bluntly rounded teeth; median pair narrower, and outer pair obtuse and somewhat directecd outward. Seven anterolateral teeth following external orbital tooth triangular, actue and swept forward, their posterior margins being a little longer than the anterior; lateral tubercle comparatively short and usually less than twice the length of the preceding tooth. Costae of chelipeds strong and rough with depressed granules.
West Atlantic from southern Florida through the coasts of the Caribbean Sea to Brazil, from muddy flat in estuaries to about 30 m deep.
This species is close to C. maracaiboensis Taissoun, but the frontal teeth are apparently obtuse and the anterolateral teeth are curved forward. It is said that this species is extremely common in the esturarine areas of Suriname and also found in swamps, ditches and pools with brackish water.