Dorsal surface with a short close pubescence except on elevated distinct ridges made by minute granules and arranged symmetrically; a transverse short ridge on protogastric region; a long transverse ridge across main part of gastric region running toward second anterolateral tooth, and a transverse short ridge on posterior part of gastric region, both being united by a longitudinal median ridge; a sinuate transverse ridge from last anterolateral tooth across branchial region; two oblique ridges also on branchial region; cardiac and intestinal regions with a T-shaped ridge, which is medially interrupted and sinuate laterally. Eight anterolateral teeth sharp and subequal; last tooth not much larger than the precedings. Chelipeds strong; anterior margin of merus with four or five spines; ridges on carpus and palm markedly strong; upper border of palm with a spine at distal fourth. Ambulatory and natatory legs, sternum and abdomen with bare ridges; a very short spine at posterior distal angle of natatory merus, followed by a row of spinules on distal margin.
West Atlantic from New Jersey through the West Indies and Suriname to Santa Catharina, Brazil, lower tidal zone to 90 m deep.