Carapace compressed, with strong dorsal median carina; four longitudinal carinae on lateral surface; median two of them originated from antennal and branchiostegal spines occupy whole length of carapace, weakly convex, and posteriorly approaching to each other; upper ridge placed at posterior half of carapace, being slightly upper to central part of carapace; lower one on margin of carapace. Rostrum as long as carapace, gently curving upward, 13-19 teeth on upper margin (5 or 6 on dorsal carina of carapace) and 8-13 on lower margin. Left second pereiopod much longer than the right; left carpus subdivided into 19 or 20 segments and the right into 8. Telson with five pairs of spinules on dorsal surface and with two pairs on distal margin.
Previously known from the West Atlantic from North Carolina to the Caribbean Sea, the East Atlantic from Spain to Congo, and the Indo-West Pacific, 145-885 m deep.