白身で肉質は良好なようだが,かまぼこ形成能は低い(Okada and Suzuki, 1971)。他のかまぼこ形成能の高い魚肉との混合で練製品を作ることができるが,いかんせん肉の歩留りが極めて悪い。
(中村 泉)
Material examined:
9 from Argentina (385-624 mm TL), FAKU 42755, 43039, 43427, 43428; AP 773, 775-777, 781, 10 from Chile (395-605 mm TL), FAKU 64, CP 457-459, 560, 894, 896-898, 775.
D U, 9-10, ca. 115; A ca. 110; P1 17-19; P2 8-9; GR 6-10; Scales above LL 5; LLS till above anal origin 14-19.
HL 52.8-61.9 % of PreA; BO 17.2-23.9; BD 40.6-50.9; SN 15.2-19.1; IO 8.8-10.6; UJ 18.5-24.9; D1H 26.5-33.9; P1L 26.5-32.1; P2L 15.3-19.2.
Body rather deep, fairly compressed, gradually tapering into slender tail. Head large, 1.6-1.9 times in preanal length. Snout rather produced, about 3 times in head. Mouth inferior, large, posterior margin of upper jaw sometimes extending beyond middle of eye. Small conical teeth forming a band in upper jaw, those of outer row somewhat enlarged; small conical teeth of lower jaw in several rows anteriorly, uniserial posteriorly. A rather long barbel on chin, its length about half eye diameter. Eye large, diameter of orbit about equal to snout length. Infraorbital ridge fairly prominent. Nostrils situated close to each other, just anterior to eye, anterior nostril smaller and round, posterior nostril larger and elliptical. Gill-rakers nub-like. No pseudobranchiae. First dorsal fin high, and distinctly separated from second, first two spines with coarse serrations. Second dorsal fin low with long base. Anal fin higher than second dorsal fin, with long base. Pectoral fin short about half length of head. Pelvic fin slightly shorter than pectoral fin, its outer ray filamentous. Scales strongly ctenoid, each with a strong, median, spinule-bearing keel, flanked by several short rows of very fine spinules. Body brown dorsally and pale brown ventrally, margins of first dorsal, second dorsal, anal and pectoral fins blackish. Pelvic fin whitish.
Both Chilean and Argentine Patagonia.
Type locality of this species is the mouth of the Rio de la Plata (Günther, 1879). The depth range is about 300 m to 1,200 m.
Distribution of Coryphaenoides holotrachys in Patagonia.