S. intermediusには下顎の先端に肉質突起がないこと,肩帯部上方に黒斑があることから本種と区別できる。(上野・藍澤)
Distinctive characters:
Body slender, cylindrical. Dorsal fin single, anterior to middle of body. Adipose fin present. Photophore absent. Lateral line present, scales not enlarged. Pelvic fin abdominal, rays 8; the inner rays much longer than outer rays. Anal fin origin much nearer to base of caudal fin than to insertion of pectoral fin, its base less than 18% of SL. Palatine teeth in a single low. Lateral-line scales 43〜48. Predorsal scales 13〜16. Anterior dorsal ray extending to, and usually beyond, tip of succeeding rays when depressed. Lower jaw symphysis with a fleshy knob. Side of body with about 8 obscure dark blotches; no black patch on shoulder girdle under gill cover.
Distributed from the Atlantic coast of North Carolina, U.S.A. to Brazil.
This species differs from S. intermedius by the presence of symphyseal knob, and absence of black patch on shoulder girdle under gill cover. (Uyeno and Aizawa)