Dorsal blade formed by single pterygiophore. AB 10, BR 3, SUA 1. SUA higher than A. SUAB absent. The ventral margin of AB without keeled scales. Triangular transparent membrane present above anal fin. Lateral view of anal pterygiophore base region behind anal photophores not sphenoid in shape (Fig.). Body height from origin of dorsal fin base to postabdominal spine 90.3〜102.8%, HL 29.0〜34.0% of SL. Eye diameter 48.0〜64.0%, upper jaw length 66.0〜79.0% of HL.
All tropical and temperate seas. In the Atlantic, known from Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Guinea.
This species differs from other member of the genus in body depth more than 82% of SL and SUA higher than A. (Uyeno and Aizawa)