Dorsal blade formed by 7 pterygiophores. AB 12, SUAB 6, SUP 2. Eye telescopic, oriented dorsally. Dorsal fin rays 9. The lower margin of scales on SCA has spines. Anal fin separated by spines. Height at end of dorsal fin is less than 1.4 into SL. Two postabdominal spines; posterior spine is posteroventrally directed and markedly larger than the anterior one. The anterior margin of most posterior abdominal keel scales are markedly slanted forward (Fig.).
All tropical and temperate seas. In the Atlantic, known from Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and central Atlantic.
Two similar species, A. olfersi has enlaged canine teeth on lower jaw, and A. lynchus has no spine between separated anal fin rays. (Uyeno and Aizawa)