長く鋭い歯を備える点で本属に類似するUrocongerアイアナゴ属では,鋤骨歯が数多く,口蓋正中線上に口角を結ぶ線まで1列に並ぶ。本属魚類は本種を含めて2種が知られており,太平洋に産するB. braueriでは背鰭起点が胸鰭基底上方にある(Weber and De Beaufort, 1916; Castle, 1968; Blache and Bauchot, 1976)。 (上野・佐々木)
Distinctive characters:
Mouth nearly terminal. Anus situated forward of mid-body, total length 2.3〜2.6 times of preanal length. Dorsal fin originated over middle of pectoral. Dorsal and anal fin rays segmented. Labial flange absent on both jaws. Maxillary pores large and distinct. Teeth long and acutely pointed; teeth on maxillary and dentary 2 rows; teeth on premaxillary canine-like and exposed out of mouth when mouth closed; only some teeth present on vomer, anterior 2〜3 teeth canine-like, the posteriormost tooth in front of the anterior margin of posterior nostril. Body color variable from milky white to blackish brown. Body markedly soft and rimp.
Atlantic Ocean, and off Cape of Good Hope.
Uroconger is similar to the present genus in having long and pointed teeth, but has numerous vomerine teeth extending far backward in a single row. Only the other congener B. braueri (from the Pacific) has the insertion of the dorsal fin above the pectoral base (Weber and De Beaufort, 1916; Castle, 1968; Blache and Bauchot, 1976). (Uyeno and Sasaki)