Body rather robust and short among sharks of the genus. Snout long, preocular length 1.6 times of internarial width. First dorsal originated above the inner margin of pectoral. Interdorsal ridge absent. Second dorsal origin opposite anal origin. Precaudal pits developed. Eye with a well developed nictitating membrane, its diameter about 1/5 of preocular length. Spiracle absent. Upper labial fold short, lower hidden in the angle. Upper jaw teeth broadly triangular, outer margins deeply concave and coarsely serrated, lower jaw teeth with slender, elect cusps and more finely serrated than the upper (Fig.). Body grayish white, shaded with yellow-brown all over. Tip of snout black.
Western Atlantic from North Carolina and Bahama to southeastern Brazil.
The present species is best characterized by the black snout. (Uyeno and Sasaki)