Carapace with distinct carinae, median one being bifurcated anterior to dorsal pit; anterolateral spine small, and lateral border of carapace strongly angulated posteriorly. Rostral plate narrow anteriorly, with rounded apex, being ornamented by a short median carina on anterior half of dorsal surface. Lateral process of fifth thoracic somite sharp and sickle-shaped; those of following two segments directed obliquely backward, each with a small anterior proximal lobule. Raptorial claw large, its dactylus being armed with six spines, and carpus with two teeth. Abdominal carinae distinct; the submedian ends in a spine at fifth and sixth somites, the intermediate at second to sixth somites, and the lateral at first to sixth somites. Telson with a median strong carina and six marginal posterior teeth, with denticular formula 4-6, 13-16, 1, margin being much swollen in male; prelateral lobes well defined; a longitudinal row of several pits parallel to median carina, and much smaller pits radiate from carina to margin of telson.
Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and Guianas, 170-360 m deep.