A large species thickly covered with fine spines which are directed forward on carapace and backward on abdomen; dorsal median line of carapace with a distinct row of spines on its anterior part and indistinct two rows on its posterior part; a submedian ridge running from each lateral margin of rostrum with four or five large spines; antennal spine distinct and followed by a short ridge; antennal, cervical and hepatic grooves united and then extended obliquely backward and upward as postcervical groove. Rostrum about half as long as carapace, being armed with one spine on each proximal lateral part, two or three on upper margin, and six to nine spines on lower margin. First pereiopod long and covered thickly with spinules, being armed with spines on lower margin of merus; cutting edges with very sharp spines, especially some equidistant ones being much larger.
Previously known from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, 293-878 m deep.
Another representative of the genus, A. tenuimana Bate, is the inhabitant of the Indo-West Pacific.