Carapace and abdomen rather slender and covered with short hairs and fine granules; orbital and antennal spines strong; postcervical groove very deep; a longitudinal ridge across branchial region, and posterior margin of postcervical groove also strongly ridged. Rostrum long, with a pair of forward-directed spines; a linear median furrow of rostrum extended back onto carapace. First pereiopod with long soft hairs; merus with a spine each at subterminal and terminal parts of upper and lower margins, respectively; carpus with a spine each at median and terminal parts of inner margin, and at terminal part of lower margin. Abdomen with a median linear ridge, each pleura being rather wide.
West Atlantic from New Jergey through the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to Suriname, 137-824 m deep, and as an exceptionally deep record, 1,692 m.