触角の形態は,フロリダ海峡からブラジルまで広く分布するN. agassizii A. Milne Edwardsに似ているが,腹部側甲の前縁にとげがないことにより容易に区別される。
Diagnostic characters:
A rather small species, with two pairs of lateral spines on rostrum; postcervical groove very deep; supraorbital and antennal spines, and a spine behind supraorbital one; five or six spines on each submedian ridge from rostral lateral margin; median linear furrow distinct behind postcervical groove; a longitudinal ridge on branchial region. First pereiopod with fine granules and soft hairs; merus with a subterminal spine on upper margin and a terminal one on lower margin; carpus with several spines on margins. Abdomen with soft hairs, having a linear median ridge; distal half of each pleura narrow and sharply pointed.
West Atlantinc from the Straits of Florida through the Caribbean Sea to Guianas, 603-1,271 m deep.
This species is close to N. agassizii A. Milne Edwards from the Straits of Florida to Brazil in having two pairs of rostral accessory spines, but distinguished from it most readily by having no spine on abdominal pleurae.