Body slightly elongate and compressed, body depth 2.8 in SL. Tooth patch on vomer anchor-shaped, extended posteriorly. Pectoal fin relatively short, its length about equal to distance from tip of snout to posterior margin of preopercle. A pair of canine teeth on anterior parts of upper jaws. Caudal slightly emarginate. Body gray with a time of pale red; anal and pelvic fins reddish gray; dorsal and caudal fins dusky; pectoral fin pale; color variable.
Both sides of Atlantic. In the western Atlantic, from New England to Brazil; commonly found in shallow waters, also in lower reaches of rivers.
This species resembles L. jocu and L. apodus but is distinguishable from them by the following points:the body slightly elongate and the length of the pectoral fin about equal to the distance from the tip of the snout to the posterior margin of the preopercle.