西部大西洋から本属魚類は4種報告されている。H. schmidti, H. macrurusの両顎側歯は2列からなり,H. tenuisの尾部後部には小さな黒色斑紋がある(Ginsburg, 1951)。(上野・佐々木)
Distinctive characters:
Snout long and pointed, its length 3.4〜3.9 times of eye. Anus distinctly in front of mid-body, total length 3.7〜4.3 times of preanal length. Dorsal fin originated over gill-opening. Pectoral fin well developed, its length 2/3 of snout. Anterior nostril with tube near tip of snout; posterior nostril elliptical pore in front of eye. On vomer 7〜8 markedly long teeth medially with about 13 small conical teeth alongside; teeth on maxillary 2 rows anteriorly, 3 rows posteriorly; teeth on dentary 3 rows, those on innermost row are long and movable. Dorsal and anal fins black along posterior part of tail.
Western Atlantic.
Four species are known from the western Atlantic belonging to the genus Hoplunnis. H. schmidti and H. macrurus with 2 rows of teeth on maxillary and dentary; H. tenuis with tail sprincled with tiny dark spots on the posterior part (Ginsburg, 1951). (Uyeno and Sasaki)