本属に類似するNettastomaでは上顎に沿い11〜14個の感覚孔が開く。本標本は鋤骨前方に肥大した中央列歯を欠く特徴が,N. inion, N. exoriusに似るが,この2種では,後鼻孔が後頭部より後方に開く(Smith, Böhlke, and Castle, 1981)。 (上野・佐々木)
Distinctive characters:
Snout long and pointed, its length 4.4 times of eye. Anus located forward of mid-body, total length 2.6 times of preanal length. Pectoral fin absent. Dorsal fin originated about an eye behind gill-opening. Interorbital width 3/4 of eye. Anterior nostril with tube opened near tip of snout; posterior nostril roundish opened on the upper surface of head, between the hinder margins of eyes. No sensory pore behind the posterior nostril. 8 pores along upper jaw. Teeth small and pointed; teeth on premaxillary in a patch, the largest number of teeth in a transverse row is about 9; teeth on vomer uniform in size and in a elongate patch; teeth on maxillary and dentary 5 rows in bands.
Off Suriname.
The genus Nettastoma with 11〜14 pores along upper jaw. The present specimen is similar to N. inion and N. exorius without an enlarged median series of teeth at the vomer, but the species with posterior nostrils located behind the occipital region (Smith, Böhlke, and Castle, 1981). (Uyeno and Sasaki)