Mantle 10 cm in length, short, bell-shaped. Fins small and oval, connected with each other in the posterior margin. Head very large with left eye larger than the right one. Arms long with 2 series of suckers. Tentacles long, with 4 series of suckers on the club. The dorsal arms of male hectocotylized which is extremely long and with fleshy knobs. Mantle and head-arm portions all covered by small papillae presenting a rough surface. Ventral surface of the same with regularly arranged photophores. Especially 3 diagonal rows of photophores on the ventral arms are characteristic.
Warm and tropical regions of the world oceans.
This species is readily separable from other members of the genus in having papillated surface of the body. This is very abundant in NW Pacific as it is frequently taken by bottom trawl and from stomach contents of toothed whales.