Carapace markedly depressed and armed with rather sparse sharp tubercles of variable size; four median, some branchial and three posterior tubercles prominent; anterolateral border of carapace arched and armed with one or two teeth on hepatic margin and seven or eight teeth on branchial margin, the last tooth of which is very long and directed obliquely backward and only slightly curved upward and anteriorly. Rostrum well developed, with a pointed tip, having a subsidiary tubercle at each side. Chelipeds long and depressed; anterior border of merus multidentate, with alternately large and small laminar teeth, and posterior border with fewer, but larger teeth; upper surface of merus with a longitudinal blunt ridge, with a series of small tubercles; outer border of palm with nine or ten sharp, thin large and small teeth; inner border with about 15 tubercles which are weakly curved upward. Ambulatory legs spinulous only on anterior borders of meri.
West Atlantic from North Carolina through the West Indies and Suriname to Brazil, 5-55 m deep.