Carapace about two-thirds as broad as long; surface convex laterally, with a median faint longitudinal ridge. Rostrum acutely triangular, its tip being at same level as an external orbital spine which is nearly directed forward; rostral tooth and external orbital spines well developed in male. Anterolateral border of carapace with a spinule and convex in front of it. Anterior half of lateral border of carapace nearly longitudinal and posterior half weakly convergent; small spine at anterior end of lateral border. Upper border of carpus of cheliped armed with a spine and with a spinule or a cluster of some granules; upper border of palm thin and armed with a subdistal spine and lower border cut into four or five teeth which regularly descrease the size proximally, but are irregular in shape in some specimens. In first three ambulatory legs anterior border of each carpus and both borders of propodi and dactyli thin, dactyli differing their shape from each other; last pair very small and dorsal in position as usual.
Previously known from the West Atlantic from Massachusetts to Puerto Rico, 115-465 m.