Stehmann and Lenz(1973)は本種をSeriolella punctataの異名としたが,Headrich(1967)は両種を別種としている。ここでは後者の見解に従った。肉は脂質に富み,照り焼やフライにして美味。
(中村 泉)
Material examined:
10 from Chile(252.8-363.5 mm SL), FAKU UP 492-495, 502, 524, 859-862.
D X-37-40; A U-V, 23-27; P1 20-22; P2T, 5; GR 5-6+1+13-15=20-22; BR 7; X 10+15=25.
HL 26.0-27.7% of SL; ED 4.3-4.7; BD 26.6-30.1; SN 7.1-8.0; IO 7.4-8.3; UJ 8.2-8.7; CP 6.1-6.8; P1L 22.6-25.1; P2L 9.4-11.7; D1H 3.2-4.2; D2H 9.3-10.4; AH 7.3-7.8.
Body fairly elongate and compressed, body depth 3.7-4.0 times in SL. Head moderate in size, 3.6-3.9 times in SL. Mouth small, posterior margin of upper jaw scarecely reaching anterior margin of eye. Maxilla almost completely covered with ventral part of lachrymal. Fine uniserial conical teeth on both jaws. No teeth on vomer or palatines. Snout blunt, longer than eye diameter. Nostrils situated close each other and nearer to tip of snout than to anterior margin of eye, anterior nostril oval and posterior nostril slit-like. Subopercle and interopercle scaled, preopercle and opercle naked. Posterior margin of preopercle distinctly round with fine serrations. Gill-rakers long with fine inner serrations. Pseudobranchiae present. Small thin cycloid scales on body deciduous. Head naked except subopercle and interopercle. Pectoral fin long, about equal to head. Pelvic fin situated slightly behind below posterior insertion of pectoral fin, its length 2.2-2.3 times in head. First dorsal fin very low. Second dorsal fin with long base, anterior lobe about 2.5 times in head. Anal fin preceded by 2 small spines. Caudal fin deeply forked. Lateral line running high, paralleled to dorsal profile. Body dark blue above, tips of fins black, a black blotch above pectoral fin base. Several to about ten blotches sometimes on midbody.
Peru and Chile.
Stehmann and Lenz (1973) synonymyzed this species with Seriolella puctata (Schneider, 1801) known from the Tasman Sea. Haedrich (1967) recognized both species valid.