パタゴニアには5種のPinguipes属魚類が知られている:P. brasiliensis Cuvier, 1829; P. chilensis Valenciennes, 1833; P. fasciatus Jenyns, 1842; P. semifasciatus (Cuvier, 1829); P. somnambula Berg, 1895.しかしその分類は確立していない(Menni, Ringuelet and Aramburu, 1984).
(中村 泉)
Material examined:
1 from Argentina (250.9 mm SL), FAKU AP 822.
D Z, 26; A 25; P1 19; P2 T, 5; GR 7+11=18; BR 6; LLS 72.
HL 26.5% in SL; ED 4.7; SN 11.2; IO 4.9; UJ 11.1; CP 9.6; P1L 21.2; P2L 19.6; DH 13.0; AH 11.3.
Body elongate, slightly compressed anteriorly, fairly compressed postriorly, body depth about 4.8 times in SL. Head moderately large, about 3.5 times in SL. Snout pointed, its length about 2.5 times in head. Eye small, about 5.5 times in head, about 2.3 times in snout. Mouth oblique, small, with thick, fleshy lips. Posterior margin of upper jaw scarecely reaching anterior margin of eye. Upper jaw slightly more projected anterior to lower jaw. Fine villiform teeth in bands on both jaws, uniserial sharp recurved canine teeth sparsely arranged outside of each band. Several sharp conical teeth sparsely arranged on vomer and uniserial on palatine. Interorbital region fairly flat, its width about 4 times in head. Two nostsils situated close each other, anterior nostril round with a large flap and posterior nostril round with tubular flap. Gill-rakers thick, short. Pseudobranchiae present. Pectoral fin round, long, its length slightly shorter than head. Pelvic fin large, posterior to anus and nealy reaching anal fin origin, slightly shorter than pectoral fin, situated below posterior insertion of pectoral fin. Dorsal fin with long base originating just posterior to pectoral fin origin. Anal fin originating under pectoral fin tip. Caudal fin truncate. Lateral line running from just above upper margin of opercle to caudal fin base. Small ctenoid scales on body and head except snout and interorbital region; smaller scales on base of pectoral and caudal fins.
Off southern Brazil to central Argentina.
Pinguipes fasciatus was synonymized with Pinguipes brasilianus Cuvier, 1829 by Menni, Ringuelet and Aramburu (1984).