南アフリカに本種に酷似するKingklip, G. capensis(Smith, 1849)が分布し,やはり水産上の重要種。1977年から1982年までの本種のアルゼンチンにおける漁獲量は2,948t,5,050t,7,343t,6,561t,4,346t,8,820t(FAO, 1984)。肉質は白身で極めて良好,アルゼンチンでもチリでもフライとして賞味され最高級魚とされる。(中村 泉)
Material examined:
10 from Argentina (318.3 mm SL), 10 from Chile (355.9-628.2 mm SL). FAKU 42779, 40803, 42850, 42984, 42985; AP 817-821; CP 79, 130, 273, 549, 550, 773, 936, 938, 941, 942.
D 115-155; A 90-117; P1 19-24; P2 2; GR 2-4+4-5+3-6=10-13; BS 7; X 19-20+47-49=67-69.
HL 21.7-24.7 % of SL; BD 11.9-14.3; ED 2.5-3.4; FO 2.5-3.4; SN 4.1-6.5; IO 2.6-5.2; UJ 8.9-10.6; P1L 8.2-11.0; P2 6.8-9.7; DH 4.1-5.3; AH 4.1-5.1.
Body extremely elongate and compressed posteriorly, body depth 7.0-7.7 times in SL. Head depressed and rather large, 4.1-4.6 times in SL. Snout blunt, slightly longer than fleshy orbit diameter. Eye small, 8.2-8.7 times in head. Fleshy orbit 5-7 times in head. Mouth evenly curved and large, reaching to posterior margin of eye. Upper jaw slightly anterior to lower jaw. Strong uniserial conical teeth distally placed on both jaws, anterior teeth longer than posterior ones on lower jaw. Villiform inner tooth bands on both jaws. Several strong conical teeth sparcely set on vomer and uniserial on palatines. Interorbital region flat and wide, its width nearly as wide as fleshy orbit diameter. Gill-rakers short with minute serrations. Pseudobranchiae present. A strong opercular spine half embedded in skin. Nostrils well separated from each other; anterior nostril small, round, without a flap. Pectoral fin round and rather short, 2.1-2.3 times in head. Pelvic fin jugular with 2 elongate thread-like rays, larger ray about as long as lower jaw length. Dorsal fin originating above middle of pectoral fin. Anal fin originating slightly anterior to midbody. Fine cycloid scales on body and posterior part of head. Lateral line parallel and closer to dorsal profile. Body pinkish yellow, marbled with irregular reddish brown blotches dorsally.
Both Chilean and Argentine Patagonia, also known from New Zealand (Whitley, 1968) and Australia (Scott, Glover and Southcott, 1974; Last, Scott and Talbot, 1983).
Nomenclature on Genypterus is tangled, and the literature is apparently filled with misidentifications (Cohen and Nielsen, 1978).
Distribution of Genypterus blacodes in Patagonia.
Anterior part of body. Pelvic fin (1) and body mark (2).