チリにはGenypterus属は4種(G. blacodes, G. chilensis, G. maculata, G. reedi)が知られている(Bahamonde and Pequeño, 1975)。いずれも食用魚として大変賞美されるが,とくにチリ北部でG. chilensisが,南部でG. blacodesが喜ばれる。
(中村 泉)
Material examined:
1 from Chile (699.0 mm SL), FAKU CP 572.
D ca. 127; A ca. 87; P1 14; P2 2; GR 4 (nub-like), 4 + 7 = 11; BR 6.
HL 24.8 % of SL; FO 3.3; BD 15.1; SN 5.5; IO 4.9; UJ 11.1; P1L 10.0; P2L 8.7; DH 6.6; AH 4.4.
Body extremely elongate and compressed posteriorly, body depth 6.7 times in SL. Head depressed and large, 4.0 times in SL. Snout blunt, longer than fleshy orbit. Eye rather small, about 10 times in head. Fleshy orbit about 7 times in head. Mouth evenly curved and large, posterior margin of upper jaw well posterior to posterior margin of eye. Upper jaw slightly anterior to lower jaw. Outer row of strong conical teeth, and inner bands of villiform teeth, on each jaw. Several strong conical teeth sparsely spaced on vomer. Strong conical teeth uniserial on palatines. Interorbital region flat and wide, its width slightly wider than fleshy orbit diameter. Gill-rakers short and wide with fine serrations on inner surface. Pseudobranciae present. A rather strong opercular spine completely embeded in skin. Nostrils well separated from each other; anterior nostril very small, round, with a short flap posteriorly, posterior nostril small, oval, without a flap. Pectoral fins small and round, about 2.5 times in head. Pelvic fin jugular, with 2 elongate thread-like rays, larger ray slightly shorter than pectoral fin. Dorsal fin originating above middle of pectoral fin. Anal fin originating about midway between tip of snout and tip of caudal fin. Small cycloid scales on body and head except anterior part. Lateral line parallel and closer to dorsal profile. Body light brownish, marbled with irregular dark brown blotches dorsally.
Chilean waters, also known from Peru (Chirichigno, 1974).
In Chile, four species of Genypterus, G. blacodes, G. chilensis, G. maculatus, and G. reedi are recognized (Bahamonde and Pequeño, 1975). All species of Genypterus are excellent food fishes. G. chilensis is particularly popular in northern Chile and G. blacodes in southern Chile.
Distribution of Genypterus chilensis in Patagonia.
Anterior part of body. Pelvic fin (1) and body mark (2).