Two dorsal and one anal fins; second dorsal and anal fins with a deep notch in rear part; caudal margin truncate or a little concave. A low V-shaped ridge on dorsal surface of head. Lower jaw without barbel. Teeth on both jaws strong, sharply pointed. Number of gillrakers on first arch 10〜12 (rarely 13). Upper jaw length 47〜51% of head. Number of ribs 2〜3. Body silvery white.
Georges Bank, off Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Guiana.
Inada (1981) noted that the number of gillrakers and ribs of M. albidus are 8〜11 and 4 (rarely 3), respectively. But the specimens examined have 10〜13 gillrakers and 2〜3 ribs. Spawning occurs from spring to summer, and near the bottom in depths of 330 m to 550 m in the Gulf of Mexico. Fecundity is estimated 340,000 eggs by a 680 mm SL specimen. Merlucciids are classified in to 12 species in the world, but they are not distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. They are important resources, but this species are hardly utilized. (Inada and Arai)