SL 164.5 mm
NSMT-P 40130
Specimens examined:2 (SL 164.5, 195 mm). Depth:830〜910 m.
Counts and measurements:D 11; A 19; P1 13; P2 9; GR 1+1+19; V 57. HL 28.7〜29.8% of SL; snout 8.5; eye 8.2〜9.1; interorbital width 5.1〜5.5; upper jaw 16.4〜17.0; body depth at P1 insertion 9.7〜10.3; pectoral fin 26.1〜29.2; prepelvic 48.2〜48.3; predorsal 54.4〜55.6; preanal 78.4〜80.0.