Tip of tail finless externally and pointed. Anus fairly in front of middle of body, total length 2.8〜2.9 times of preanal length. Eye small, its length 1/5〜1/4 of upper jaw length. Pectoral well developed, its length longer than upper jaw. Dorsal fin originated over middle of pectoral fin. Anterior nostril tubular with a fleshy protrusion from the inner rim that is longer than nostril tube itself (Fig.); posterior nostril along edge of upper lip below the front margin of eye. Teeth conical and pointed, the arrangement is as shown in the figure. Dorsal and anal fins margined black.
Coastal waters from Cuba to Brazil.
The present species is best characterized by the fleshy protrusion (tentacle) as shown in the figure. (Uyeno and Sasaki)