Pectoral fin absent. Gill-opening roundish, subequal to eye, and located on mid-side of body. Total length 6.6〜6.8 times of head length. Anus situated in front of mid-body, total length 2.2〜2.3 times of preanal length. Dorsal origin on head. Mouth closes completely. Anterior nostril tubular near tip of snout; posterior nostril simple pore without raised rim situated above the anterior margin of eye. Teeth finely serrated. Blackish spots arranged on dorsal fin regularly spaced; anal fin with a series of black and white areas, and not uniform black; corner of mouth and gill-opening not black.
Coastal waters from northern part of Gulf of Mexico to Brazil.
G. nigromarginatus and G. saxicola are quite similar to the present species, but distinguishable by their uniform black anal fins (Ginsburg, 1951). (Uyeno and Sasaki)