Carapace slightly longer than, or almost as long as broad, being densely covered with soft hairs; on denudation surface smooth and ill-defined, with shallow cardiac and branchial furrows. Three frontal, a supraorbital, an external orbital, an infraorbital, a subhepatic, two anterolateral and a posterolateral teeth are small, but tuberculated and nearly equal to each other. Chelipeds and ambulatory legs hairy like carapace; upper border of palm armed with three tuberculated granules. Ambultory legs rather long; last two reduced legs subchelate as usual, but last pair is apparently longer than the preceding.
West Atlantic from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies to Brazil, shore to 200 m deep.
All the specimens examined carried each a covering of a compound ascidian much larger than the natural posture of the carapace and ambulatory legs. There is a Pacific congener, D. larraburei Rathbun, which ranges from Monterey Bay in California to Peru and the Galapagos Islands.