Carapace with minute spinules and short hairs, having one spine at anterior end of median ridge; four spines on anterior part of median ridge in front of cervical groove, the latter two being composed of two spinules side by side; posterior part of median ridge with two spines which are also composed of two spinules; three or four in a longitudinal line on gastric region, about 10 on posterior edge of cervical groove at each side, and 14 or 15 on linear ridge on branchial region are larger than the others; dental formula of lateral border of carapace is 7-9; 4, 5; 17-20, and outer margin of orbit with about 10 spines; posterior border of carapace with about 10 large spines. Second to fifth abdominal segments each with a forward-directed spines; anterior borders of first of first to fifth segments with fringes of minute spinules. First to fourth pereiopods chelate, the first being very long and characteristic for Polycheles.
West Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico to the Antilles, the East Atlantic from north of England and the Mediterranean to the Cape Verde Islands, the Indian Ocean and the Malay Archipelago, 100-2,050 m deep.