Carapace compressed, with an obtuse, but distinct dorsal carina along its nearly whole length; no hepatic spine, but antennal and branchiostegal spines distinct as usual; branchio-cardiac carina and a short sulcus from bottom of orbit, and a deep, narrow furrow from branchiostegal spine. Rostrum shorter than carapace, curving upward at its median part; four to six teeth on basal half of dorsal margin, and three to five distant teeth on lower margin. First two pereiopods chelate; meri of last three pereiopods with spinules on posterior borders; all pereiopods with exopods. Second to sixth abdominal segments sharply crested dorsally, with a spine at each posterior end of third to sixth segments, that of the third being much larger than the others. Telson with three pairs of movable spines on its dorsal surface.
West Atlantic from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil, the East Atlantic from the Mediterranean and Spain to Angola, and the Indo-West Pacific, 200-3,700 m deep.