Carapace cylindrical, without hepatic and supraorbital spines; anterolateral angle of carapace obtuse; cervical groove shallow and indistinct on upper part; a distinct ridge across upper part of branchial region to posterior margin of carapace; a narrow, but deep groove traversing posterior one-third of dorsal surface of carapace. Rostrum narrow and sharp and directed obliquely upward, being constricted at distal one-third. Eyestalk widening, with large cornea. Antennal scale with some granular luminescent organs, reaching about proximal one-third of third antennal segment. Third maxilliped and first to third pereiopods slender, while fourth and fifth pereiopods flattened and fringed with long hairs on posterior borders.
Previously known from the West Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico to the Antilles, and the East Atlantic from south of Iceland through the Mediterranean Sea to South Africa, 200-5,000 m deep.