Castellanos (1967); Castellanos and Cazzaniga (1979); Castellanos and Menni (1968, 1969); Brakoniecki (1984); Roper et al. (1984).
(畑中 寛)
Material examined:
FSFL EM 022, EM 023, EM 091, EM 555 (6 specimens, 107-175 mm ML)
Mantle cylindrical and rather broad. Fins triangular; length 57-60%, width 50-56% of dorsal mantle length (ML); fin angle 39°-47°. Head slender, width 14-18% of ML. Funnel-mantle rocking apparatus a simple, straight groove. Eyes covered with transparent skin (corneal menbrane). Arms V≧W>U>T in length; suckers in 2 rows; sucker rings with about 5 square teeth on the distal half and basal half smooth; left W arm hectocotylised in mature males, a row of small suckers on the distal third to fourth of arm. Tentacles longer than ML; clubs well developed, 31-43% of ML; suckers in 4 rows and larger in medial 2 rows; the largest sucker ring with pointed 17-27 teeth. Color rather light, reddish brown. Attains 17.5 cm ML.
Known from Brazill, Uruguay and Argentine waters. Common in coastal waters until the Golfo San Matias in Argentine.
This species differs from L. gahi in having relatively longer and wider fins, longer tentacles and clubs, and fewer teeth on tentacular sucker rings.