本種の仲間は一般にペヘレイと呼ばれ,アルゼンチンでは重要な食用魚となっている。また,近年,淡水性のものが養殖され,大きなものは体長50cmに達する。本種を含む本属魚類の分類は混乱しており,再検討を要する。(Figueiredo and Menezes, 1978; Menni, Ringuelet and Aramburu, 1984).
Material examined:
4 from Argentina (148.8-234.0 mm SL), FSFL EM 76-79.
D X-T, 9; A T, 18-22; P1 13-14; P2 T, 5; Gr 6-8+17-21=23-29.
HL 20.7-21.5% of SL; BD 17.5-18.4; SN 33.9-34.9; ED 19.0-23.1; IO 33.3-38.4; UJ 27.8-29.9; CP 8.4-9.8; P1L 20.5-21.0; P2L 9.8-10.9.
Body compressed, head flattened. Caudal peduncle deep and compressed. Mouth small, posterior part of maxilla downcurved, anterior to anterior margin of eye; upper jaw anterior to lower jaw. Eye comparatively large, its diameter 2.0-2.5 times in head. Tip of pectoral fin reaching to pelvic fin origin. Anus opening just anterior to anal fin origin. Lateral line absent; number of scales on vertical row of body 54-56; scales on body large cycloid. Upper side of body bluish brown, lower side silvery; a broad silvery band with dark blue upper margin running from pectoral fin base to caudal fin base along midbody. Upper surface of head, pectoral and caudal fins blackish.
Shallow coastal waters from Santos, Brazil to Argentina through Uruguay, also known from the Aysen Region, southern Chile (Zama and Cárdenas,1984).
Some kinds of atherinids are called “Pejerrey" and are important food fishes in Argentina and Uruguay. There are about 20 species of so-called “Pejerrey" in the Patagonian Region, which inhabit marine, brackish and freshwater (Zama, 1985). Recently some fresh water species have been introduced into Japan and cultured. The largest “Pejerrey" attains around 500 cm SL. The taxonomy of this genus is still confused and needs to be reexamined.
(Tadashi INADA)
Distribution of Odontesthes bonariensis in Patagonia.