アルゼンチン パタゴニアに分布するが,たぶん世界中に分布するものと思われる。砂底や砂泥底や泥底上の水深2,000〜3,500mのところに生息する(Markle and Quero, 1984)。ここで用いた標本は水深1,150mの砂底上(底水温2.7℃)で採集された。
備 考:
本種に数種を含むかどうかという分類学上の混乱が残されている(Markle and Quero, 1984)。本標本はMarkle and Quero(1984)の記載したA. productusの鰓耙数(7+1+15-16=23〜24)よりもやや少な目の鰓耙数を有する。
(中村 泉)
Material examined:
1 from Argentina (410.0 mm SL), FAKU AP 697.
D 18; A 17; P1 9; P2 7; LLS 60; GR 7+1+13=21.
HL 28.5% of SL; ED 5.7; BO 6.6; BD 18.5; BW 7.7; PO 16.7; SN 6.8; IO 6.7; UJ 10.9; CP 7.2; PreD 68.7; PreP1 30.9; PreP2 51.2; PreAn 68.1; PreA 70.7.
Body fairly elongate and compressed, its greatest depth above posterior margin of opercle. Head extremely large, well greater than body depth. Eye smaller than snout or interorbital width, its hind margin slightly behind midpoint of head. Mouth small, upper jaw slightly more projected forward than lower jaw. Posterior margin of upper jaw reaching to front margin of eye. Postorbital region longer than snout region. Nostrils in front of eye, both closely situated each other, anterior one pore and posterior one crescent. Gill-rakers elongate triangular in shape with fine inner serrations. Gill-filaments shorter than gill-rakers. Pectoral fin short and low in position. Pelvic fin small, situated about midpoint between posterior tip of pectoral fin and anal fin origin. Both dorsal and anal fins situated posteriorly, former slightly more forward than latter. Scales moderate in size, fairly deciduous. Lateral line obscure, running straight and slightly obliquely.
Argentine Patagonia, possibly circumglobal, engybenthic over soft bottoms at 2,000 m -3,500 m (Markle and Quero, 1984). Our specimen was obtained from 1,150 m depth (bottom temperature 2.7℃, bottom quality Sand).
Confusion exists as to the number of species involved in A. productus (Markle and Quero, 1984). This specimen has slightly fewer number of gill-rakers than in A. producutus (GR 7+1+15-16=23-24) described by Markle and Quero (1984).
Distribution of Alepocephalus productus in Patagonia.
Gill-rakers on lower limb of first arch of left side.