7 from Chile (385.5-590.0 mm SL), FAKU CP 34, 220, 342, 343, 648, 705, 856.
D Z, 1; A ]W-]X, 115-130; P1 11-14;P2T-V, 6-8; GR 2-3+10-13=13-16.
HL 13.1-14.6% of SL; FO; 2.0-2.5; BD 10.9-14.4; SN 3.4-4.0; IO 2.5-3.6; UJ 2.6-3.6; P1L 6.3-7.3; P2L 4.5-5.8; DH (last spine) 0.8-1.3; AH1 3.3-4.5.
Bady elongate, compressed and eel-like. Head narrow, 6.8-7.6 in SL. Eye moderate, oval, its diameter about 5-6 in HL. Snout round and short, well projecting beyond mouth, its length 3.6-4.0 in HL. Interorbial region strongly convex. Two nostrils just in front of eye, close each other, separated by smooth and scaleless skin. Mouth small, inferior and nonprotractile. Single row of compressed and sharp teeth densely arranged on upper jaw. Fine and long canine teeth curving inward, one row on lower jaw and two rows on palatine. Teeth on palatine and lower jaw occlude. Fine and soft teeth scattering on tongue. No pseudobranchiae. Gill-rakers well developed. Gill-cavity black. Both left and right branchiostegal membranes united, covering anterior part of isthmus. Small cycloid scales covering whole body. Dorsal fin with 7 very short, stiff and immovable spines, followed by one short soft ray, its origin above tip of pelvic fin. Pelvic fin with 1 to 3 spines, first spine rudimentary. Anal fin spines very low and immovable and soft rays higher, uniting to caudal fin, its origin below 3rd dorsal spine. Single lateral line running from upper insertion of opercle to above 40-45th soft ray of anal fin. Body dark brown with darker fins. Posterior margin of opercle tinged with black.
Chilean Patagonia, also known from South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.
An Indo-Pacific deep water species, found from the Cape to Natal in 200-600 fathoms around South Africa (Smith, 1977).
Distribution of Notacanthus sexspinis in Patagonia.