Body elongate and depressed. Eye large, its diameter 2.7〜3.1 in head length. Membrane connecting pelvic fin with pectoral fin large. Preopercular spine wide basally, with an upcurved main tip and one point at its dorsal side. First dorsal spine longer than other spines. In male last ray of second dorsal fin elongated, and middle rays of caudal fin greatly produced into filaments; body pale red with irregular dark markings; a black blotch on membrane between third and fourth dorsal spines; all fins yellow. In female caudal fin without middle filaments; body cream with irregular dark markings on dorsal side; anal fin edged with black band, other fins cream.
South Carolina through Caribbean Sea to Brazil.
The prominent sexual dimorphism is found in this species:caudal fin with filaments in male, first dorsal spine elongated in male but less developed in female, and color more brilliant in male than in female. (Matsuura)