チョウチンアンコウ属は,全世界の海域から採集された標本をもとに再検討をする必要がある。本種と西部北太平洋産の Himantolophus danae Regan et Trewavas は擬餌状体の形が異なる。 (藤井)
Distinctive characters:
Illicium short, less than 50% of SL, its base in advance of eye. Upper jaw length 2.8〜2.9 in SL. Rays of pectoral and unpaired fins sparsely pigmented, except their bases black. Numbers of the outer row of jaws teeth 107〜109 in the upper and 110〜117 in the lower. Two pairs of swellings in the distal end of esca, almost equal in size and shape.
West coast of Greenland (type locality), off coast of Portugal, Madeira, off Suriname. All oceans (Bartelsen, 1951).
The genus Himantolophus needs to be revised on the basis of specimens collected from all oceans. The present species is different from Himantolophus danae Regan et Trewavas from the western North Pacific by the shape of the illicium. (Fujii)