Specimens examined:13 (SL 27〜167 mm). Depth:660〜850 m.
Counts and measurements:D 5〜7; A 4. Illicial length 31.0〜38.6% of SL; distance from insertion of illicium to symphysial cartilage of upper jaw 7.1〜9.8.
本属は2種を含む。もう1種の D. bispinosus (Günther)は擬餌状体の前部と後部に明瞭な付属物があることを特徴としており,インド洋と西部太平洋の熱帯水域に分布している(Uwate, 1979)。本種の和名は頭部鰭条が2本ある特徴に由来する。 (藤井)
Distinctive characters:
(Family):A short, club-shaped second cephalic ray with distal light organ present just behind illicium. Mouth large, cleft extending past eye. Sphenotic spine well developed. Lower jaw with a prominent symphysial spine. Vomerine teeth present. Skin covered with numerous minute spines. Dorsal fin rays 5〜6. Anal fin rays 4. (Genus):Illicial length less than 50% of SL. Insertion of illicium in advance of eye. (Species):Esca without anterior and posterior appendages.
Both sides of the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic. Type locality-Suriname.
The genus includes two species. Another species, D. bispinosus (Günther), is characterized by the esca having distinct, anterior and posterior appendages, and is distributed in the tropical waters of Indian and western Pacific Oceans (Uwate, 1979). (Fujii)