C. nuttingiは誘引突起の幹部に黒色帯があること,C. coloratusの誘引突起は長く眼径の2倍以上,眼がほぼ円形であるので本種と区別できる。 (上野・藍澤)
Distinctive characters:
(Family and Genus):Head rounded, skin with minute prickles. Illicium on snout, fix into groove when depressed. Pelvic fin present. Pseudobranchiae absent. (Species):Illicium short, less than twice of orbit. Fleshy cirri on side of body and lower jaw. Well developed chain-shaped mucous pores present along body side from snout tip to just behind caudal fin base. Stem of illicium flat, pale white, no black bands. Eye oval.
This species is known from off Suriname, Gulf of Mexcio, and eastern Pacific.
C. nuttingi differs in its black band on stem of illicium, and C. coloratus differs in long illicium longer than twice of eye diameter and circular eye from this species. (Uyeno and Aizawa)